Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Review Of The Elephant Man

The Elephant Man is an amazing film. From the performances to the sound, everything is on key and makes the film marvelous. The black and white really made everything else stand out. The emotion, action, suspense would not be as effective as it was if the movie had been in color. If the movie were in color then the audience would lose that special amount of emotion. They would be focused on how brown a coat would be, or the color of the cathedral. Without the color, the audience can only see emotions, and beings.

Friday, October 3, 2014

My Name Is John Merrick...

Today was wonderful. Mr. Treves took me to his house to meet his wife and have a cup of tea with them. I did no have a very good idea of what to expect when I first walked in. Then his beautiful wife came down the stairs and greeted me so softly and so kindly, it put me to tears. I felt that I had made a bit of a fool of myself, even if Mr. Treves took it well. When we sat down and had our tea, which by the way was delicious, we al exchanged photos of loved ones. At first, Treves showed me pictures of his parents, and then those of his wife. Lastly, I showed them a picture of my mother. They both found her to be very beautiful. I simply told them that my mother must be very disappointed due to my deformity, and at that moment Treves' wife began to cry. I don't know why, but I think I offended her in some way. After we left, I had the nicest idea of making a cathedral. When I look outside my window, there is this very tall beautiful church. So I got some cardboard from a bin just outside my room and decided to begin sculpting it. I am not done yet but in a matter of days or weeks I can complete it.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Compassionate Science

I think everyone has the capability to help out other countries and people with technology, but they don't know how to get involved. Especially, the upper class. They have the money, so whether or not they have background knowledge in computers, they can easily hire someone to do it for them. All they really need is the heart.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Ahead of Our Time

Instead of going towards the sadder polluted future other people love to screech about, I will type about a fantastic future.
In 1000 years, all of these environment problems will have been covered by the government and people can live safely on earth. There will be a cure for almost every disease. People will be using jet packs to get to the 99 cents store. There will be movies that instead of being 3-D, there can be improve where you become a character inside of the movie alongside the other actors. Lifespans will be stretched about 50 more years and dreams can be monitored. Not monitored in waves like today, but what you see can be seen by the people that are awake. There will be other planets for the elite to live on, and aliens to befriend. In the distant future, there will be ways to make the old look young and feel great. They'd feel as if they were themselves from twenty years ago. Instead of bullet trains, there will be laser trains that basically convert people into energy and transport them to their desired location.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Modern Times

Modern Times illustrates the cruel reality of their time and ours. Charlie Chaplin hilariously shows the audience how their future and present won't really change by too much. Aside from being a science fiction movie in the beginning, Chaplin also throws in the dramatic and comic parts at very appropriate times. One minute your laughing at a speeding corn, and the next your sympathizing with the gamine's father. At times you feel sorry for the factory workers that are robbing the store because of starvation, and after your laughing at some nonsense European language. Those were just a couple of reasons why everyone should see Chaplin's film Modern Times.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Thoughts On Bullying

I've never been a bully and I've never been bullied. I've seen it and stood up for the little guy about 5 times, but never been bullied. I'm sure it's a psychological thing because I don't think anyone would want to bring pain upon someone for no reason. The bullies are probably hurting inside so they do it to feel like they have some sort of authority/power. Maybe the bullies are being bullied by an older family family member and so they take out all of their pent up aggression on another person.

Friday, August 22, 2014

My Favorite Movie(s)

I have more than one favorite movie so I'll narrow it down to three. I really love the movie Forrest Gump because of the humor and they way Tom Hanks plays his character. There are parts where I laughed like a hyena, then I wanted to bawl like my spoiled eleven year old sister. The movie is based in the sixties and on about a guy named, Forrest, a sort of slow man who lives a very fulfilling life that ranges from Vietnam hero to football star, to shrimp boat captain. Another part about the movie that I absolutely love is the soundtrack. It goes from CCR to The Doors, especially because I love music. My absolute favorite movie though is The Exorcist. Everyone in the movie executes their character amazingly and how horrifying it is, is my favorite part. I watch it almost two nights a week just looking for more stuff that I hadn't seen before or just for fun.