Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Problems & Struggles

I think a big problem for me and maybe for a lot of other kids in high school, is the pressures of growing up and getting into a good college. I know a bunch of people might be stressed out on getting into a good college and not being a hobo or mooching off their parents. They also have to deal with "teen angst" which sucks because it sounds dumb and fake but any little thing can bug you on any given day so you won't be able to focus on work. You'll just be battling your thoughts for hours on end.  It sucks to because aside from getting enough sleep and doing homework, you have to be social and join other activities and extracurricular stuff so your application looks like it's worth reading. And after all that we need to look good or else you won't get the girl or guy you want then we're just back to being upset all day.

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